Easter Egg Golden Ticket Event!
On Friday 31st March we will be handing out envelopes to all children at the end of the day. Inside each envelope will be a chocolate lolly but some lucky children will receive a GOLDEN TICKET!! and will win a prize!! We are asking parents for a suggested donation of £1 per child, one donation per family. To make your donation, please use the link below. We will also have a bucket on the day to collect donations.


WE ARE often asked if we have a donations page for those who were unable to attend our events or would like to donate a little extra to help with raIsing much needed funds for the school, so here you are. CLick on the DONATE button below.

On behalf of FOSH, we would like to Thank you for your support and we look forward to more events in the coming year.

This year we are working with the school to raise funds for both outdoor learning and books for the library, in particular books that look at diversity.
