Friends of Sacred Heart PTA Child Protection Policy and Guide for Members

1. The health and safety of all children is of paramount importance. Parents send their children to school each day with the expectation that school provides a secure environment in which their children can flourish. In order to do this, a wide range of measures and policies are put in place by Sacred Heart Primary School. These are all available to view on the school website. The PTA support and abide by these policies.

2. The Sacred Heart Primary School Child Protection Policy is updated on an annual basis and approved by the Governing Body.

3. Friends of Sacred Heart PTA will ensure that we prioritise child safeguarding at every event that is held. We will complete a risk assessment which will be reviewed and approved by the school. This risk assessment will consider the safeguarding element.

4. All members of the PTA that visit school during the working day will adopt and follow school policies for signing in at the school office and other safeguarding procedures.

5. All PTA members are aware that any concerns regarding events they witness or are concerned about should be raised with the PTA Chair and designated safeguarding lead immediately. It is crucial that PTA members recognize the importance of sharing information confidentially. Support will be offered if needed.

6. First Aid arrangements will be included as part of the risk assessment for any event. Should a child be injured or taken unwell during an event. The Lead PTA member will liaise with school staff to agree whether a parent/carer needs to be contacted to advise or collect the child or whether further medical attention is required.